
"How To Give Yourself The Best Possible Chance Of Creating A Successful Idea"

My apologies to current members, l had to send this e-zine issue again to save it as a back issue.

Keep your eye on your e-mail's as the second issue, (out soon) will have your free monthly e-book.

And since you subscribed before the free e-book was available, here is the link for the free e-book immediately available upon subscription.

Please Right Click on the Link in this sentence, then "Save Link as" or "Save Target as" to download the free Money Puzzle e-book 11.5 MB-PDF-Windows and MacOs

Hi, and welcome to the first edition of my Game Inventor Success-News E-zine!

You will get great info, on everything Toy and Game related in this and subsequent issues.

In this issue l will cover; how to give yourself the best possible chance of creating a successful idea, right from the start.

Ok…so let’s get started.

I have to admit that l have already covered how l came up with the Thread the Maze Puzzle idea, (on my site) so l will give examples that anyone could apply now, to create great ideas.

The best way to sum this concept up is “fun”.

Or fun and user friendly.

There is no point coming up with an idea that is very expensive to do, (even though Rubik’s Cube is the exception) unless it is so brilliant that it is worth the expense, to manufacture.

Personally l wouldn’t go down this path, because the risk, (your money or the money of the company you are approaching) is very high.

Or developing an idea that you and your family love and the mass market hates!

It is easy to get emotionally attacked to an idea, but in the real world it is an extravagance that is best left for your hobbies.

Without getting into the “law of attraction thing” it all boils down to variables.

If enough variables of your idea are up the top, if you ranked them from 1, (worst) and 10, (best) then you have a far better chance of success.

So…the next time you create an idea, ask yourself or better still a friend or family member these questions about your idea;

Is it fun?

Can l understand how to play it within 30 seconds, (usually if they cannot grasp the concept in this time they will go and buy another board game)?

And of course the KISS rule, Keep It Simple…you know the rest.

These are some of the reasons why Pictionary is so successful, because it was very easy to understand, and play and a lot of fun!

Obviously there are exceptions to this rule, with Monopoly, (a difficult game to figure out, but still very successful) being one.

I am just outlining some basic steps here, so you can increase your chances as much as possible.

It is obviously better to make a lot of money, with a fun, simple, easy to understand idea that is cheap to manufacture and has mass appeal, than one which isn't.

The fun aspect is easy enough to figure out, just do a simple mockup, and a coloured pencil rough of the playing board, and borrow playing pieces, etc; (from another board game).

Then play a few rounds with friends and family, you will quickly realize what works and what needs tweaking.

I would also suggest that you come up with at least 3 to 5 ideas, (preferably 10) develop them into rough working models and play them with some people that can be trusted and will give you honest feedback.

Far better to come up with 10 board game, etc ideas and whittle them down and/or combine the best elements together to create a fun concept with a real chance, than it is to develop, or sink your hard earned cash into the first idea that comes into your head.

It may be a winner, but it probably won’t be.

So...stay with these rules, to give yourself the best possible chance.

Develop as many ideas as possible, (preferably standard board or card game format).

Develop them into rough working games, and play them.

Whittle them down to the best elements.

Then submit or develop your idea or ideas.

And remember to keep it fun, simple and easy to understand and play.

Thank you for subscribing to the Game Inventor Success-News E-zine!

Issue #02-Being at the right place at the right time, to hear or see something that can give you a great idea is another important skill that can be developed. I will cover this area in the next issue.

