Chess Master 9000

Hi and welcome to the chess master 9000 page. The page where you can look over the shoulders of masters and see how they play the game of chess.

Examples of the Play of Masters, with explanatory notes

White; Fritz. Black; Mason

White Black

1 P-K4 P-K3

Black develops without exposing his K,P. The French Defense.

2 P-Q4 P-Q4 3 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 4 B-Kt5 B-K2 5 B x Kt B x B 6 Kt-B3 0-0 7 P-K5 B-K2 8 B-Q3 P-QKt3

This is too slow. Better to engage White immediately by 8 …, P-QB4. 9 P-KR4. …

Intending an attack against the Black King.

9 … B-Kt2

Far too slow. At least 9 …, B-R3 should be played.

10 B x Pch. K x B 11 Kt-Kt5ch. K-Kt3

If 11 …, K-Kt1; 12 Q-R5 or if 11 …, K-R3; 12 Q-Q2.

12 Kt-K2 B x Kt 13 P x B P-KB4 14 KtP x P e.p. R-R1 15 Kt-B4ch. K-B2 16 Q-Kt4 R x Rch. 17 K-Q2 P x P 18 Q x Pch. K-Kt2 19 R x R B-B1 20 R-R7ch. K x R 21 Q-B7ch.

And mates next move. The chess master 9000 will fight til the end...

White: Charousek. Black: Burn.

White Black

1 P-K4 P-K4 2 P-KB4 P x P 3 Kt-KB3 P-KKt4 4 P-KR4 P-Kt5 5 Kt-K5 B-Kt2 6 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 7 Kt x KtP Kt x P 8 B x P Q-K2 9 Q-K2 B x P

Had Black played for development, 9 …, P-Q4 would have been the move.

10 P-B3 B-Kt2 11 Kt-K3 Q-K3 12 P-KKt3 0-0 13 B-R3 P-KB4 14 0-0 P-Q3

15 Kt-Q2 Kt x Kt 16 Q x Kt Kt-B3 17 QR-K1 Q-B2 18 B-Kt2 K-R1 19 Kt-Q5 Kt-K4 20 B-Kt5 P-B3

Black should develop by B-K3 and QR-K1.

21 Kt-B4 P-Q4? 22 P-R5 B-Q2

Now that the Kt on K4 has to be supported by the KB, Black cannot play P-KR3 on account of B x P.

23 P-R6 B-B3 24 B x Bch. Q x B 25 Kt-R5 Q-Q3 26 R x Kt Q x R 27 R-K1 ...

The Queen can no longer guard the point Q5, so Black resigns.

White: Kevitz. Black: Alekhin.

White Black

1 Kt-KB3 …

Zukertorts opening.

1 … Kt-KB3 2 P-B4 …

A variation favoured by Reti.

2 … P-QKt3 3 P-KKt3 B-Kt2

Black exerts pressure on K5 so as to impede the advancement of the White KP and to gain a foothold in the center.

4 B-Kt2 P-K4 5 Kt-B3 B-Kt5 6 0-0 B x QKt

To make sure of the point K5.

7 KtP x B P-Q3 8 P-Q4 …

This move allows Black the mastery over K5.

Although 8 P-Q3 would have been a better move.

8 … P-K5 9 Kt-R4 0-0 10 P-B3 P x P 11 B x P Kt-K5 12 Q-Q3 R-K1 13 P-Q5 …

This move fixes the White Pawns, and thus changes them from fighting units into obstructions and targets. The proper policy is 13 Kt-B5-K3-Q5.

13 … Kt-B4 14 Q-Q4 QKt-Q2 15 B-R5 Kt-K4

The Black Kts take up positions which are not attackable by pawns.

16 B-B4 Q-Q2 17 Kt-B3 Kt-Kt3 18 Kt-Q2 Q-R6 19 B x Kt …

A better move was 19 B-B3 for the protection of the K side and to be able to drive the Black Q off. The chess master 9000 will decide the best course of action!

19 … RP x B 20 P-K4 P-KB3 21 QR-K1 P-KKt4

These pawns dominate black points. The B on Kt2 will dominate important white points; therefore Black is strong on all essential points.

22 B-K3 R-K2 23 K-R1 QR-K1 24 B-Kt1 B-B1 25 R-B3 B-Kt5 26 KR-K3 Q-R4 27 K-Kt2 B-R6ch. 28 K-R1 K-B2

Black prepares the final assault by playing his K over to the safe wing.

29 B-B2 P-R4 30 B-Kt1 R-K4 31 B-B2 Q-Kt5 32 B-Kt1 QR-K2 33 B-B2 K-K1 34 B-Kt1 K-Q1 35 B-B2 K-B1 36 B-Kt1 Q-R4 37 B-B2 B-Kt5 38 K-Kt2 Q-R6ch. 39 K-R1 P-R5 40 B-Kt1 P-Kt3

At last the assault begins.

41 B-B2 K-Kt2 42 B-Kt1 K-R3

Still Black prepares.

43 B-B2 P-B4 44 P x P P x P 45 R x R P x R

If now 46 R x P, R x R; 47 Q x R, B-B6 ch.; 48 Kt x B, Q-B8 ch.; 49 Kt-Kt1, Kt-Q6 wins.

46 Q-K3 P-K5 47 P-Q6 …

Trying to confuse the issue.

47 … P x P

Black remains calm.

48 Q-Q4 P-B5 49 Resigns.

White:Capablanca. Black: Dr Bernstein.

White Black

1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 B-Kt5 Kt-B3 4 0-0 B-K2 5 Kt-B3 P-Q3 6 B x Ktch. …

This is not called for, and eases Blacks task.

6 … P x B 7 P-Q4 P x P

Also 7…, Kt-Q2 was a good move, since in maintains the P on K4 and its hold on Q5.

8 Kt x P B-Q2 9 B-Kt5 0-0 10 R-K1 P-KR3 11 B-R4 Kt-R2 12 B x B Q x B 13 Q-Q3 QR-Kt1 14 P-QKt3 Kt-Kt4 15 QR-Q1 Q-K4

To forestall Whites Q-R6, which would attack two pawns.

16 Q-K3 Kt-K3 17 QKt-K2 Q-QR4

Black could very well have exchanged Kts, to give free scope to the B. The move of the Q is an adventure in which Black hopes to gain a pawn.

18 Kt-B5 Kt-B4 19 Kt(K2)-Q4 …

The White Kt advances in the center, taking care to occupy points not easily attackable by the enemy.

19 … K-R2 20 P-KKt4 …

Further to strengthen the position of the Kt on B5, which has a strong effect on many points in the enemy’s camp.

20 … R(Kt1)-K1 21 P-KB3 Kt-K3 22 Kt-K2 Q x P

Black’s judgment here is at fault. He should defend by Q-Kt3.

23 Kt(K2)-Kt3 Q x BP 24 R-QB1 Q-Kt7 25 Kt-R5 …

The Black Kt has to guard the KtP, and is therefore pinned to his post, and is a suitable target.

25 … R-KR1 26 R-K2 Q-K4

The Q wants to guard the weak points KKt2 and KB3.

27 P-B4 Q-Kt4 28 Kt (B5) x KtP …

If 28 …, Kt x Kt; 29 Kt-B6 ch., with deadly effect.

28 … Kt-B4

The best move in the unfavorable conditions was R-Q1. White would then continue P-B5 and keep his advantage, but the move is equivalent to giving up without a fight. Something that the chess master 9000, shouldn't do!

29 Kt x R B x Kt 30 Q-QB3 P-B3 31 Kt x Pch. K-Kt3 32 Kt-R5 R-Kt1 33 P-B5ch. K-Kt4 34 Q-K3ch. K-R5 35 Q-Kt3ch. Resigns.

White:Bogoljubow. Black: Grunfeldt.

White Black

1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 Kt-B3 Kt-B3

The Four Knights opening.

4 B-Kt5 B-Kt5 5 0-0 0-0 6 P-Q3 B x Kt 7 P x B P-Q3 8 P-KR3 …

To avoid the pin B-Kt5, White desires to keep his Kt.

8 … P-KR3 9 R-Kt P-R3 10 B-R4 B-Q2 11 B-Kt3 Kt-QR4

Black is too anxious for exchanges. Kt-K2 would normally suggest itself.

12 Kt-R2 Kt x B 13 RP x Kt Kt-R2 14 P-KB4 P x P 15 B x P P-KB4

A mistake, P-KB3 was indicated so as to impede the advance of the KP.

16 P-K5 P x P 17 R x P Kt-B3 18 Q-K2 R-K1 19 Kt-B3 Kt-Q4 20 B-Q2 Q-B3 21 R-R1

White holds on to the K file.

21 … P-B3 22 P-B4 Kt-B2 23 B-B3 Kt-K3

Black defends well, but to no purpose, because White has become too strong.

24 Q-B2 R-KB1 25 Q-Kt6 QR-Kt1 26 R x Kt Q x B 27 R-K7 B-K1 28 Q-B7 B-R4 29 R(K1)-K5 Resigns

White:Nimzowitsch. Black: Roselli.

White Black

1 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 2 P-QKt3 P-QB4 3 P-K3 Kt-QB3 4 B-Kt2 B-Kt5 5 P-KR3 B x Kt 6 Q x B P-K4

Black having given away his QB should guard the White points in his camp by pawns, consequently P-K3 was the right move. To counteract the White B on QKt2 Black could have utilized his B by playing it, say, to K4.

7 B-Kt5 Q-Q3

This ties down the Q. Although a better move would have been 7…, P-B3.

8 P-K4 P-Q5

The move Kt-K2 would have been preferable had P-B3 been played. Now White has the superiority on all the white squares.

9 Kt-R3 P-B3 10 Kt-B4 Q-Q2 11 Q-R5ch. P-Kt3 12 Q-B3 …

White desires to weaken the Black KBP.

12 … Q-QB2 13 Q-Kt4 …

Threatening Q-K6 ch. If 13 …, Q-B1 then 14 Kt-R5 with an obvious advantage. 13 … K-B2 14 P-B4

The position of the Black K is now the target. To begin with, obstructions are moved out of the way.

14 … P-KR4 15 Q-B3 P x P 16 B x Kt P x B

If Q x B then 17 Q x BP, R-K1 18 0-0 and White should win, as pointed out by Nimzowitsch.

17 0-0 P-Kt4 18 P-B3 R-Q1 19 QR-K1 K1-K2 20 P-K5

This loosens the chain of Black pawns.

20 … Kt-B4 21 P x QP Kt x P

Or if 21 …, P x QP; 22 P x P, K x P; 23 Q-K4 with the advantage, as shown by Nimzowitsch.

22 Q-K4 B-K2 23 P-KR4 Q-Q2 24 P x BP B x P 25 P x P Resigns.

For if 25 …, B-Kt2; 26 Kt-K5 ch, B x Kt; 27 Q x B and the Black K is in a position which cannot be defended.

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