Inventor File-Legal Stuff Page

Hi and welcome to the inventor file-legal stuff page.

I know that this is a pretty boring page, so l have kept it short, to make sure that you can get through reading this before nodding off, and get back to the really interesting stuff!

Here is the legal stuff, for this web site.

Please note that some of the pictures and text that l have used in my toy and game inventor web site may be subject to copyright and other intellectual rights owned by third parties. Storage in a retrieval system, transmitting or reproducing this web site or any of its contents in any way is strictly forbidden.

And if you haven't already started to fall asleep, here is the rest...yawn!

Please note that although l have done my best in producing the best website possible, l make no representation or warranties of any kind to the completeness or accuracy of the contents. And accept no liabilities or losses of any kind caused directly or indirectly, from using this information.

Copyright-Shane Murphy-2011

Well...there you go, now that you have gotten through that, it's best to return to my site and do some more interesting things.

And l appreciate your time in getting through the inventor file-legal stuff page.

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