no keyword, tag">
"At Last, The Totally Risk-Free And Fun Way For Busy Home-makers Like Yourself To Make Extra Money"
"The Money Puzzle E-Book Will Give You A Risk-Free Way Of Bringing In More Money, By Showing You How To Create Up To 4 Successful Board game Ideas Per Year, With A Good Chance Of One Profitable Idea Hitting The Jackpot Without Affecting Your Family Life"
Hi, my name is Shane. If you're like most people l know you would like to make some extra money, doing something fun, doing something that will benefit your family just as much as yourself with virtually no cost and no risk, then l may have the perfect solution for you. I know that you are frustrated with your online search for something genuine, something that really offers what it claims too... |  |
"Finally, A High Quality, Easy To Learn Bonus E-book That Will Teach You And Your Busy-Family, Everything You Will Ever Need, To Become A Skilled Chess Player"
"In Fact, Even If You Don't Know Anything About Chess, You Will Be Able To Play A Game After The First 30 Pages"
| Hi, Shane again. Tired of bonus e-books that promise the earth, but don't deliver, or because of lack of information, you suspect that you will need a PHD, or dictionary just to read it, or it will be so full of fluff it will drive you nuts, then l may have the best bonus e-book you have ever come across on-line.
| |
"How Good Is This Chess E-book"
Glad you asked, well this 109 page, normally $18 e-book contains;
67 illustrations so you can quickly and easily learn chess moves, strategies, explanations of moves, (including all special moves) problems to solve, etc.
Board and piece designs, which can be quickly and easily turned into a fully working chess set.
26 exercises for the student to solve, to develop experience quickly.
You will gain useful insights, strategies, etc from looking over the shoulders of masters playing 10 real games including the most memorable game played!
Plus many pages covering virtually everything a beginner or intermediate player needs to know to become a strong player.
"Free Sample"
Like to take a peek at some of the e-book contents, illustrations, etc please follow the instructions below.
| Just right click on the link in this sentence, then "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to download the Chess Master e-book sample. 200 KB-PDF-Windows and MacOs. |
And if you need a reader to view this e-book sample, just click on the link for the free Foxit-Reader download.
"Increase Your Family's Mental Skills And Well-being"
Chess is mentally stimulating, and is like a "gym workout" for your brain.
And will develop your child's problem solving skills, spatial skills, social skills, planning skills, persistence and how to resign or lose gracefully.
An ideal game to learn, for your children's mental development.
At the other end of the scale there is good evidence to suggest that chess wards of Dementia as well.
A great game to learn and stay skilled at throughout your life.
"Could My Child Read This"
I have written this e-book, as simply as possible, so a 12 year old could read and understand it, but chess does have some complex areas, so for younger children, l would recommend parental supervision.
But don't worry, there's probably only one chapter that may prove tricky to under 12 s.
"Valuable Links"
You will have a link to one of the best chess playing sites around, so you or your family member will be able to test out your new skills with someone at your level, or higher, so experience can be gained quickly.
You will also have links to more in-depth information about chess.
"Instant Prestige And Recognition"
You will be learning advanced chess moves that a lot of people that play chess don't even know about, but are legal moves!
You will be seen as a professional chess player, in social circles, as after reading this e-book you will know virtually everything there is to know about the game of chess.
"What Do I Get, Overall"
In this unbeatable offer you get the 55 page, Money Puzzle e-book (normally $18), for $10 dollars and the 109 page, bonus Chess Master e-book, (normally $18) for free.
Or another way of putting it, is you will receive $36 dollars worth of high quality information that will give you and your family a more positive financial future, (with a good chance of your financial future being very positive), as well as becoming virtual experts at the game of chess, and improving your child's mental skills for life...
"for $10 bucks?"
You will have an up-hill battle trying to find a better offer for quality e-books, such as these on-line!
And, of course this entire package or offer is covered by the 60 day total refund, so you have a lot to gain and nothing to lose, so as the wise men say;
"Just do it"
If you go away and think about it, you may be disappointed to find, when you are ready to order, that the price has risen!
"Order Now"
Order the Money Puzzle e-book, (normally $18) for $10 and receive the bonus Chess Master e-book, (normally $18 value) for free! $36 dollars total value for only $10, (full purchase price) and in a few minutes you will have both of these e-books in your computer after downloading from my thank you page.
"Then you will quickly realise that this is a great, genuine offer."
Like more info, on the company l am using for payment processing, refunds, etc then please click here!
Download is 11.5 MB-the Money Puzzle e-book and 2.7 MB-Chess Master e-book, suitable for Mac and Windows operating systems, (link for free PDF reader is available on thank you page) download speeds will vary depending on computer, whether Internet connection is Dial-up or Broadband (broadband typically takes 1-2 minutes to download)!
Paypal customers please check your Paypal account balance before clicking on the secure "Click HERE To Purchase" link.
"Cont,d from top"
"Free Sample"
If you would like to take a peek at some of the Money Puzzle e-book contents, pictures, (some are taken from this web site) first page of the Law Of Attraction, (this bonus chapter will never be added to this web site) along with other powerful tools, which are only available in this e-book, please follow the instructions below.
| Just right click on the link in this sentence, then "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to download The Money Puzzle e-book sample. 1.41 MB-PDF-Windows and MacOs. |
And if you need a reader to view this e-book sample, just click on the link for the free Foxit-Reader download.
"Quick Video"
Like to take a look at some video of me (or you) flicking through the Money Puzzle e-book, then click on the video image below.
Its a 40 second video and is the next best thing to physically having it in front of you.
"No Risk For You Offer"
Before we go any further l should explain my Risk-Free offer and provide some proof that it is possible to create up to 4 profitable ideas or more per year.
"Yes, It Works"
Based on my own results using the techniques shown in the Money Puzzle e-book, l came up with 8 ideas which got accepted by a local toy company over 3 months. One idea was rejected only because it was too complex and l believe the other 7 can be developed into viable prototypes. Where 1 to 3 will probably have a great chance of being successful (l have developed 2 ideas so far).
"Yes, It Really Works"
I know of 2 brothers who live in Melbourne, Australia who come up with as many ideas as l do who have successfully developed 3 profitable ideas for board games in the same year named “Imaginiff “, ”Moods” and l think the third one was called "Faces". “Imaginiff” has topped the 1 million mark in sales and “Moods” is selling well (l don’t know too much about Faces, apart from the fact Hasbro is marketing it).
And since you can get roughly around a dollar per unit (board game) you can see that a profitable idea can be very profitable.
Remember, l have been doing this for the last 5-7 years, so l believe these results are accurate and can be replicated by virtually anyone.
"60 Day No-Hassle Refund"
You don't even need to give me a reason, just drop me an e-mail, and its as good as done.
Like more info, on the company l am using for refunds, etc then please click here!
"Anyone Can Do This"
If you have ever played a board game or seen a board game then you can do this.
"You don't even need business experience".
This is more like creating an investment Portfolio, but considerably easier and safer than the Stock Market!
"Quick Start-up"
If you can read a 55 page e-book and put the simple techniques into practice, (that take very little of your time) l can guarantee you that you will see some positive results in the next 60 days. In fact you will probably get 1 or 2 great ideas in the first few weeks!
And we both end up benefiting, which is the way it should be, but in the meantime you have a No-Risk offer to consider, are some more great benefits you will get when you order the Money Puzzle e-book.
So now that we have established that it is No-Risk for you, we can get into the likely amounts you could receive in royalties.
Each profitable idea for a board game you develop will make up to $60,000 up front and usually $60,000 per year for a few years.
So developing up to 4 a year will provide a substantial sum for you and your family.
But of course if you hit the Jackpot with one of your ideas you could be looking at close to a Million dollars or more per year.
"Investing In Your Family's Future"
And l should point out that it will take time to develop an idea into a real product, which doesn't really matter as you will be having so much fun co-developing your idea and getting more and more excited about your royalty payments. it worth paying $10 dollars of your hard earned money to earn the kind of income mentioned?
"You Decide."
"Top 13 Toy Companies"
Gives you a list of the top toy companies around the world to send, e-mail your ideas to, so you can improve you strike rate as much as possible by concentrating on reputable companies that love your ideas.
"High Quality Reference Tool"
You will be able to read the Money Puzzle e-book whenever and wherever you want and remove pages, like the "What To Avoid" chapter, which you could place on your fridge to make sure you stay in the toy inventor "sweet-spot" as much as possible.
"And to motivate your family to put on their thinking caps as well."
"Valuable Links"
These links will give you a more in-depth background of board game development and will give you an edge in developing your ideas. You will also come across as an expert when talking to toy companies and (as l did with the Thread the Maze success) you may find an old board game, puzzle, etc idea that could be developed into a successful product.
"Instant Prestige And Recognition"
You will probably be the only person in your town that has a profitable idea for a board game with your name on the back. And you will feel a great sence of achievement with your first success.
And have shown what can be achieved when you have the right tools and take action.
"New Trends Income Option"
As long as you could afford the hundreds or thousands of dollars in start-up costs, you could also consider using the Money Puzzle e-book techniques to help you in developing interactive puzzles, etc around the iphone or Nadaztag, (robotic attachment for your computer that looks like a rabbit) if you want a potentially quicker or more stable income (great potential for game or puzzle, etc concepts).
"No Risk-High Returns"
So you really have nothing to lose, except a little time in placing an order and providing for your family's financial future.
"Finally, A Genuine Offer"
And just to end, this offer is real and it works, because l have proven it in my own life. But there is only so much l can say to convince you that this is genuine.
"Nothing happens without action"
After reading and implementing the e-book techniques you will see positive results, and be relieved and excited by the new financially freer future you and your family will experience.
"What Happens If I Don't Order"
Glad you asked, unfortunately nothing!
Best wishes.
"Don't Go Away And Think About It"
Please note that l have just started selling the Money Puzzle e-book with the bonus Chess Master e-book, and if orders exceed projections the price may rise. Don't worry, l will give you plenty of notice. But don't go away and think about it, otherwise when you are ready to order, you may be disappointed to find out the price has risen.
Considering the potential massive returns for you l should be charging considerably more, but as l said earlier its early days for this e-book, and bonus offer so get in quick while its still at a "ground-floor" price.
"Got A Question-Need an answer"
Easy to contact me via my e-mail (below) if you have some unanswered questions or concerns.
"Testimonial 1"
As a home school mum I initially designed educational games for my own children which led to the development of a couple of early learning websites. The websites have since been sold but I never lost the desire to create games. I love browsing toy shops and looking at board games on sale, wondering what was the inspiration behind them and deep down holding a desire and ambition that one day my board game would be a top seller!
So it was with great excitement when I discovered 'The Money Puzzle e-book' by Shane Murphy - a book full of sound and practical advice from someone who has been there – it was quite a comfort to realise I was not alone with this strange obsession of designing games!
I found the chapter of using your subconscious to tap into your own intuition absolutely fascinating and I am looking forward to using this technique to 'test' future ideas in the game industry – in fact all aspects of my life!
Jane Buckley
Original Founder of and
"Testimonial 2"
Money puzzle ebook-- This is an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to make a go of it, trying to invent and produce puzzle and board games. A gold mine of ideas!
Chess master ebook-- A detailed yet practical book on chess; Giving the reader real life examples and strategies. A great resource for any chess player.
Joe Shaw
"What Do I Get, Overall"
In this unbeatable offer you get the 55 page, Money Puzzle e-book (normally $18), for $10 dollars and the 109 page, bonus Chess Master e-book, (normally $18) for free.
Or another way of putting it, is you will receive $36 dollars worth of high quality information that will give you and your family a more positive financial future, (with a good chance of your financial future being very positive), as well as becoming virtual experts at the game of chess, and improving your child's mental skills for life...
"for $10 bucks?"
You will have an up-hill battle trying to find a better offer for quality e-books, such as these on-line!
And, of course this entire package or offer is covered by the 60 day total refund, so you have a lot to gain and nothing to lose, so as the wise men say;
"Just do it"
If you go away and think about it, you may be disappointed to find, when you are ready to order, that the price has risen!
"Order Now"
Order the Money Puzzle e-book, (normally $18) for $10 and receive the bonus Chess Master e-book, (normally $18 value) for free! $36 dollars total value for only $10, (full purchase price) and in a few minutes you will have both of these e-books in your computer after downloading from my thank you page.
"Then you will quickly realise that this is a great, genuine offer."
Like more info, on the company l am using for payment processing, refunds, etc then please click here!
Download is 11.5 MB-the Money Puzzle e-book and 2.7 MB-Chess Master e-book, suitable for Mac and Windows operating systems, (link for free PDF reader is available on thank you page) download speeds will vary depending on computer, whether Internet connection is Dial-up or Broadband (broadband typically takes 1-2 minutes to download)!
Paypal customers please check your Paypal account balance before clicking on the secure "Click HERE To Purchase" link.

I have done everything l could in producing the best e-books on toy and game inventing, and mastering the game of chess, and would love to hear from you. Just send me a testimonial, (a description of why you liked the Money Puzzle e-book, and the Chess Master e-book, and how they have personally helped you) please include a non-active web address if possible.
Thank you for visiting the profitable idea recourse!
"Finally, An E-book That Will Give Busy Home-makers Like Yourself 105 Of My Best Board game Ideas, So You Can Quickly And Easily Make Extra Money"
"The Bright Ideas E-book Is The Perfect Companion To The Money Puzzle E-book (Included) And Will Give You Ideas That You Can Immediately Show To Toy Companies For A Quick Success, As Well As Creating New Profitable Word Board Game Ideas"
Hi, my name is Shane. The Money Puzzle e-book, (Below) will turbo-charge your thinking and give you more great ideas on a regular basis, but the Bright Ideas e-book will give you 105 great ideas now. Or it will give you a 3 year head start in churning out ideas. And if you want to develop an idea yourself, then this e-book is a must, as it will give you 7 years worth of ideas you can sift through, run past friends and develop to a finished profitable idea. |  |
"How Good Is This E-book"
Glad you asked, well this 84 page e-book contains;
105 of my best designs, where only half a dozen where shown to a couple of toy companies outside of Blue Opal, Australia.
These ideas can be shown immediately to toy companies around the world, with a very good chance of at least 10 or more being accepted.
You can combine all the ideas with each other or your own, to create a large number of profitable ideas.
I have included 3 of my best recent ideas, to add value to this offer.
Including an alternative version to Monopoly, so if you or the toy company wanted to take this idea on, it has a chance of being extremely profitable.
"Free Sample"
Like to take a peek at some of the e-book contents and ideas, (shown here) please follow the instructions below.
| Just right click on the link in this sentence, then "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to download the Bright Ideas e-book sample. 1.6 MB-PDF-Windows and MacOs. |
And just to fill in the blanks.
Plastic Fantastic has 29 designs.
Sweet Spot has 34 designs, (mainly word board games).
Very Sweet Spot has 39 designs, (mainly word board games).
Very Sweet Spot, recent ideas has 3 recent designs (Monopoly type idea included).
If you want a closer look at the designs, just press the - or + buttons on your reader.
If you need a reader to view this e-book sample, just click on the link for the free Foxit-Reader download.
"What About Copyright"
If the original purchaser wanted to develop the ideas behind the designs they have full legal rights to do so, which of course means they can patent the ideas as well.
Although since the designs are copyrighted, l own the designs, but the original purchaser still has permission to show the designs to toy companies, etc.
I left it this way so showing my designs to develop ideas is allowed, but posting the original designs anywhere on or off-line is strictly forbidden.
Please download the legal stuff page below for more information on this important subject.
"Quick Start-up"
You can quickly scan the ideas and decide on which ones you want to show to toy companies or develop yourself.
Then you will experience a dramatic increase in your strike rate for profitable ideas.
And we both end up benefiting, which is the way it should be, but in the meantime you have a No-Risk offer to consider, are some more great benefits you will get when you order the Bright Ideas e-book and Money Puzzle e-book.
Each profitable idea for a board game you develop will make up to $60,000 up front and usually $60,000 per year for a few years.
So developing 10 or more board game ideas, (at the same time) will provide a substantial sum for you and your family.
But of course if you hit the Jackpot with one of these ideas you could be looking at close to a Million dollars or more per year.
"Investing In Your Family's Future"
And l should point out that it will take time to develop one or more ideas into a real product, which doesn't really matter as you will be having so much fun co-developing your idea and getting more and more excited about your royalty payments. it worth paying $15 to earn the kind of income mentioned?
"You Decide!"
"High Quality Reference Tool"
You will have a resource that few toy inventors have access to, that will give you a way of experiencing immediate success with several ideas.
Then allow you to develop many more after that by combining ideas together.
"Instant Prestige And Recognition"
You will probably be the only person in your town that has several profitable ideas on the go, at the same time. And you will feel a great sence of achievement by showing your friends and family a board game with your name on the back.
"Finally, A Genuine Offer"
And just to end, this offer is unique, and is guaranteed to make a noticeable difference to your board game success rate. But there is only so much l can say to convince you that this is genuine.
"Nothing happens without action"
After reading and implementing the Money Puzzle e-book techniques and scanning through the Bright Ideas e-book you will see positive results, and be relieved and excited by the new financially freer future you and your family will experience.
"Don't Go Away And Think About It"
The people that see this as a real opportunity and take action will find the real opportunities in these ideas, and show them to 1 or more toy companies, with immediate success with at least 10 or more of them.
Then they will patent the original ideas from this e-book or develop a variation from one or more ideas.
And then they will become more successful.
I know that there are genuine opportunities in this e-book because Blue Opal almost said yes to several of them!
And once someone has patented an idea, not even l could develop the same idea without their written permission.
You can still use this resource, to create and combine ideas together, but the original very good ideas, which you could have developed for a quick success will be gone.
The longer you wait the more you will miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.
And before you say "why don't l use these ideas myself", l prefer to develop new ideas.
Although since the original person l used to see at Blue Opal is gone, l would probably get a handful in, if l showed them again.
But l prefer to develop the 7 new ideas l am currently working on with them and make a profit by offering this unique resource to struggling board game inventors instead.
Please also note that the current price of $15 is a starting price, So... don't go away and think about it, otherwise when you are ready to order, you may be disappointed to find out that the price has risen.
Considering the potential massive returns for you l should be charging considerably more, but as l said earlier it's early days for this offer so get in quick while it's still at a "temporary ground-floor" price.
"At Last, The Totally Risk-Free And Fun Way For Busy Home-makers Like Yourself To Make Extra Money"
"The Money Puzzle E-book Will Give You A Risk-Free Way Of Bringing In More Money, By Showing You How To Create Up To 4 Successful Board game Ideas Per Year, With A Good Chance Of One Idea Hitting The Jackpot Without Affecting Your Family Life"
Hi, Shane again. If you're like most people l know you would like to make some extra money, doing something fun, doing something that will benefit your family just as much as yourself with virtually no cost and no risk, then l may have the perfect solution for you. I know that you are frustrated with your online search for something genuine, something that really offers what it claims too... |  |
"Free Sample"
If you would like to take a peek at some of the Money Puzzle e-book contents, pictures, (some are taken from this web site) first page of the Law Of Attraction, (this bonus chapter will never be added to this web site) along with other powerful tools, which are only available in this e-book, please follow the instructions below.
| Just right click on the link in this sentence, then "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to download The Money Puzzle e-book sample. 1.41 MB-PDF-Windows and MacOs. |
And if you need a reader to view this e-book sample, just click on the link for the free Foxit-Reader download.
"Quick Video"
Like to take a look at some video of me (or you) flicking through the Money Puzzle e-book, then click on the video image below.
Its a 40 second video and is the next best thing to physically having it in front of you.
"No Risk For You Offer"
Before we go any further l should explain my Risk-Free offer and provide some proof that it is possible to create up to 4 profitable ideas or more per year.
"Yes, It Works"
Based on my own results using the techniques shown in the Money Puzzle e-book, l came up with 8 ideas which got accepted by a local toy company over 3 months. One idea was rejected only because it was too complex and l believe the other 7 can be developed into viable prototypes. Where 1 to 3 will probably have a great chance of being successful (l have developed 2 ideas so far).
"Yes, It Really Works"
I know of 2 brothers who live in Melbourne, Australia who come up with as many ideas as l do who have successfully developed 3 profitable ideas for board games in the same year.
They were called “Imaginiff,“ ”Moods” and l think the third one was called "Faces". “Imaginiff” has topped the 1 million mark in sales and “Moods” is selling well (l don’t know too much about Faces, apart from the fact Hasbro is marketing it).
And since you can get roughly around a dollar per unit (board game) you can see that a profitable idea can be very profitable.
Remember, l have been doing this for the last 5-7 years, so l believe these results are accurate and can be replicated by virtually anyone.
"60 Day No-Hassle Refund"
 | You don't even need to give me a reason, just drop me an e-mail, and its as good as done. Like more info, on the company l am using for refunds, etc then please click here! |
"Anyone Can Do This"
If you have ever played a board game or seen a board game then you can do this.
"You don't even need business experience."
This is more like creating an investment Portfolio, but considerably easier and safer than the Stock Market!
"Quick Start-up"
If you can read a 55 page e-book and put the simple techniques into practice, (that take very little of your time) l can guarantee you that you will see some positive results in the next 60 days. In fact you will probably get 1 or 2 great ideas in the first few weeks!
And we both end up benefiting, which is the way it should be, but in the meantime you have a No-Risk offer to consider, are some more great benefits you will get when you order the Money Puzzle e-book.
So now that we have established that it is No-Risk for you, we can get into the likely amounts you could receive in royalties.
Each profitable idea for a board game you develop will make up to $60,000 up front and usually $60,000 per year for a few years.
So developing up to 4 or more a year, (on average) will provide a substantial sum for you and your family.
But of course if you hit the Jackpot with one of your ideas you could be looking at close to a Million dollars or more per year.
"Top 13 Toy Companies"
Gives you a list of the top toy companies around the world to send, e-mail your ideas to, so you can improve you strike rate as much as possible by concentrating on reputable companies that love your ideas.
"High Quality Reference Tool"
You will be able to read the Money Puzzle e-book whenever and wherever you want and remove pages, like the "What To Avoid" chapter, which you could place on your fridge to make sure you stay in the toy inventor "sweet-spot" as much as possible.
"And to motivate your family to put on their thinking caps as well."
"Valuable Links"
These links will give you a more in-depth background of board game development and will give you an edge in developing your ideas. You will also come across as an expert when talking to toy companies and (as l did with the Thread the Maze success) you may find an old board game, puzzle, etc idea that could be developed into a successful product.
"New Trends Income Option"
As long as you could afford the hundreds or thousands of dollars in start-up costs, you could also consider using the Money Puzzle e-book techniques to help you develop interactive puzzles, etc around the iphone or Nadaztag, (robotic attachment for your computer that looks like a rabbit) if you want a potentially quicker or more stable income (great potential for game or puzzle, etc concepts).
"No Risk-High Returns"
So you really have nothing to lose, except a little time in placing an order and providing for your family's financial future.
"Finally, A Genuine Offer"
And just to end, this offer is real and it works, because l have proven it in my own life. But there is only so much l can say to convince you that this is genuine.
"Nothing happens without action"
After reading and implementing the e-book techniques you will see positive results, and be relieved and excited by the new financially freer future you and your family will experience.
"Don't Go Away And Think About It"
Please note that l have just started selling the Money Puzzle e-book with the Bright Ideas e-book, and if orders exceed projections the price may rise. So...don't go away and think about it, otherwise when you are ready to order, you may be disappointed to find out the price has risen.
Considering the potential massive returns for you l should be charging considerably more, but as l said earlier it's early days for this two e-book offer, so get in quick while its still at a "temporary ground-floor" price.
"Got A Question-Need an answer"
Contact me via my e-mail (below) if you have some unanswered questions or concerns.
"Testimonial 1"
As a home school mum I initially designed educational games for my own children which led to the development of a couple of early learning websites. The websites have since been sold but I never lost the desire to create games. I love browsing toy shops and looking at board games on sale, wondering what was the inspiration behind them and deep down holding a desire and ambition that one day my board game would be a top seller!
So it was with great excitement when I discovered 'The Money Puzzle e-book' by Shane Murphy - a book full of sound and practical advice from someone who has been there – it was quite a comfort to realise I was not alone with this strange obsession of designing games!
I found the chapter of using your subconscious to tap into your own intuition absolutely fascinating and I am looking forward to using this technique to 'test' future ideas in the game industry – in fact all aspects of my life!
Jane Buckley
Original Founder of and
"Testimonial 2"
Money puzzle ebook-- This is an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to make a go of it, trying to invent and produce puzzle and board games. A gold mine of ideas!
Joe Shaw
"Testimonial 3"
Shane Your "Money Puzzle E-book" was a real eye-opener. It never dawned on me until I read it, that toys and games companies are actually interested in "my" ideas. Not only was that a revelation but you give instructions of what to do and even more important of what "not to do" when inventing games. A worthwhile e-book to read.
"What Do I Get, Overall"
In this unbeatable offer you get the 84 page Bright Ideas e-book and the 55 page Money Puzzle e-book for only $15.
Or another way of putting it, is you will receive high quality, unique information that will give you and your family a more positive financial future, (with a good chance of your financial future being very positive) and getting a considerable head start in the industry.
"for only $15 bucks!"
I can guarantee you that you won't find the information from the Bright Ideas e-book anywhere else on or off-line.
So...since this information is unique and hasn't been released before, it really is a ground floor, genuine opportunity.
And, of course this entire package or offer is covered by the 60 day total refund, so you have everything to gain and nothing to lose, so as the wise men say;
"Just do it"
If you go away and think about it you may be disappointed to find out when you are ready to order, that all the best ideas have been taken, (patented).
"Order Now"
Order the Bright Ideas e-book and the Money Puzzle e-book for only $15, (current, full purchase price) and in a few minutes you will have both of these e-books in your computer after downloading from my thank you page.
"Then you will quickly realise that this is a great, genuine offer."
Like more info, on the company l am using for payment processing, refunds, etc then please click here!
Download is 37.6 MB-Bright Ideas e-book and 11.5 MB-the Money Puzzle e-book suitable for Mac and Windows operating systems, (link for free PDF reader is available on thank you page) download speeds will vary depending on computer, whether Internet connection is Dial-up or Broadband!
Paypal customers please check your Paypal account balance before clicking on the secure "Buy Now" link.
| |